About the Scholarship’s Namesake
Carol B. Smith Green was a product of the Pulaski County School District, Philander Smith College and the University of Central Arkansas, as well as the recipient of a myriad of academic certifications from Auburn University, George Peabody University, Arkansas State University, The University of Mississippi, and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Mrs. Green was the former Miss Philander Smith College of 1971 and a charter and lifetime member of Eta Sigma Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, INC. She ardently served her church, the Greater Second Baptist Church at Geyer Springs Road, in Little Rock, AR, in multifarious leadership positions, being first female chairperson of the Board of Trustees, a Girls Scout Troop Leader for 15 years, lead singer in the Sanctuary Choir, a member of the Usher Board and a member of the Women’s Ministry.
In addition to her church-based affiliations, Mrs. Green received wide acclaim for her outstanding work with community, city and national organizations including but not limited to the Arkansas Workforce Investment Board and the Arkansas Soil and Water Commission via appointment by former Governor Mike Huckabee, the Little Rock School District, the State of Arkansas, and Skills USA, from which she was given a lifetime achievement award.
Amongst all her recognitions, foremost to those who have been academically and administratively impacted by her is Mrs. Green’s 40-year history with the Little Rock School District. She served as a Special Education teacher at the former Metropolitan High School (presently the Metropolitan Career Technical Center); Coordinator and Marketing and Education teacher, and a CCE Coordinator at Parkview Magnet High School and Central High School. She gained further acknowledgement for being the first African American, female principal and supervisor of Metropolitan Career Education, and the first Director of Career Technical Education/Alternative Education, in which she held until her retirement in 2012.
Purpose of the Scholarship
Carol B. Smith Green was a woman of unmitigated character, intelligence, and leadership. Carol B. Green was an educator in the LRSD for over 40 years. She knew at a young age her mission in life was to not only help others through service but to prepare the next generation to lead. Mrs. Green’s commitment extended beyond those in her classroom (school or church) or within her organizational chart but to anyone she met. She saw potential in everyone and used words and actions to motivate and encourage them to exceed their goals. In honor of her life’s mission, her family has created a scholarship fund to help students who have similar characteristics achieve their goals.

Scholarship Awards
The Future Educator Award
Scholarship Amount- $1,250
Awarded to a student majoring in Education
The Future Leader Award
Scholarship Amount- $1250
Awarded to a student majoring in any degree or pursuing a vocational certification

Minimum Requirements
- LRSD High School Graduating Senior
- Minimum of a 2.8 GPA
- Plans to attend college (before funds are distributed must provide proof of acceptance to a 2-year or 4-year college/university/vocational school)